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Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Disclaimer Statement

Don't let data security be compromised.

This Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Disclaimer Statement (“Confidentiality Statement”) governs all content bearing the following declaration:

The information contained herein is confidential and proprietary to Wesley B. Nugent and its related entities. The use and dissemination of this content is governed by the confidentiality and non-disclosure disclaimer statement contained on our website at

(“Confidentiality Legend”) Information in content bearing the Confidentiality Legend (“Confidential Document”) is confidential, privileged and proprietary to Wesley B. Nugent and its related entities (“Wes Nugent”) and only for use by the intended recipient. Confidential Content may not be used, disclosed, published, disseminated, copied or distributed to any third party other than the intended recipient without the prior written consent of Wesley B. Nugent, which may be withheld in Wesley B. Nugent’s sole discretion. Under no circumstances may the Confidential Content be disclosed to a competitor of Wesley B. Nugent.

Additionally, if any technical information is contained as part of Confidential Content, it is understood and agreed that said technical Confidential Content is provided for informational purposes only. Wesley B. Nugent makes no guarantee that the technical Confidential Content is complete, reliable, accurate or error-free. While the technical Confidential Content is provided in good faith, there are no representations or warranties of any nature whatsoever in respect of the information contained in the technical Confidential Content. For the avoidance of doubt, any representations and warranties relative to the technical Confidential Content are specifically disclaimed. Furthermore, under no circumstances shall the technical Confidential Content be construed to constitute legal or other professional advice, including but not limited to specific advice on transportation or customs laws, rules and/or regulations. The technical Confidential Content is provided as a general statement on the subject matter as understood by Wesley B. Nugent, which understanding may not necessarily be factually, legally or technically accurate. However, its specific application will depend on the unique facts and circumstances of the situation.

Wesley B. Nugent and/or affiliated agents shall not be liable for the use or reliance on the opinions, information and/or findings contained in any Confidential Content. Additionally, under no circumstances shall Wesley B. Nugent be liable for any special, direct, indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages relating to any use and/or consideration of and/or reliance upon any Confidential Content.


If you have any questions about this Confidentiality Statement, please contact me.

Last Updated: December 3, 2020