Monongalia County Republican Executive Committeeman, District 1
Wes Nugent represents Republicans in Executive Committee District 1, which is aligned with Monongalia County Precinct 16 in Morgantown.As your elected local county party official, my goal is to be your connection and voice with the GOP.
Our local party platform reflects our unique Monongalia County needs with forward-thinking vision.
With your input and help we can elect more Republicans by building community among citizens in support of country.

About Monongalia County Executive Committee District 1 & Precinct 16
Monongalia County Executive Committee District 1 is aligned with Monongalia County Precinct 16 in Morgantown’s Third Ward.
Precinct 16 votes at BOPARC’s Wiles Hill Community Center located at 287 Eureka Drive, Morgantown, WV 26505. As a citizen, you can support your precinct polling place by voting or getting involved as a poll worker or with the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee.

As a result of West Virginia’s 2021 redistricting process, Precinct 16 in the City of Morgantown’s Third Ward, now comprises all of Monongalia County Executive Committee District 1. This is a change from the previous district maps, which grouped Precinct 16 (Wiles-Hill-Highland Park) and Precinct 13 (Woodburn) together (as shown.)
Former Monongalia County Executive Committee District 1
Because Precinct 16 is its own county executive committee district, registered voters from both major political parties now have a stronger voice in local politics going forward. For local, state, as well as national candidates, Precinct 16/Executive Committee District 1 affords campaigns a compact micro area that enables a better ability to target, poll, and canvass voters at a lower cost per contact.
Monongalia County District Map
Learn more about your new legislative districts via the County Clerk map, or at the WV Legislature Redistricting webpage.
Precinct 16 Demographics
2023 statistics for Morgantown’s Precinct 16, suggest it has 1,144 voting households and 1,307 total voters, withan average voter age of 38 years and 2 months.
Precinct 16 Serves Voters in Morgantown’s Wiles Hill-Highland Park Neighborhood
Populations change, bounds change. Change is a common currency. It’s often said that elections have consequences, and we hold the same to be true for consolidations.
Morgantown’s Third Ward was once the Fourth Ward, which is why your property tax maps may be confusing; it’s also the reason our local community center, the former Wiles Hill School, is officially known as the Fourth Ward School.
The Wiles Hill Community Center where Precinct 16 voters cast our ballots is a byproduct of change in the form school consolidation, and the Wiles Hill-Highland Park neighborhood changed when Monongalia County Schools closed the building and moved classes (and students) to Suncrest and North elementary schools.
After the school closed, it took nearly a decade to rebuild a sense of community and place among neighbors. And, in 2014, the community faced another change that could have again gutted our community.
In 2014, as a result of WV HB 4473–relating to establishing voting precincts and changing the composition of standard receiving boards–local county clerks and county commissions were enabled to consolidate precincts.
Whereas the old law set minimums and maximums stating, “Each precinct within any urban center shall contain not less than three hundred nor more than one thousand five hundred registered voters,” the new law stated, “any precincts with polling places that are within a one mile radius of each other on or after July 1, 2014, may be consolidated, at the discretion of the county clerk and county commission, into one or more new precincts that contain not more than three thousand registered voters in any urban center, etc.”
A change was proposed by the Monongalia County Clerk to consolidate Precinct 16. Confronted with the threat and armed with knowledge, Wes Nugent, who at the time was elected as City Councilor from Morgantown’s Third Ward, led an effort to alert neighbors and encourage neighborhood and civic leaders petition county government officials to stop the proposed consolidation based on a geographic hardship that would have been created for voters to walk (or try to use public transit) to easily reach their polling place to cast ballots.
With help from neighbors, who included Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, a unified front was presented and we succeeded to preserve our precinct and keep our local polling place. The Monongalia County Commission amended the 2014 precinct consolidation order to exclude Precinct 16.
Monongalia County GOP
Get involved with our local Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee. We meet reguarly each month on the second Tuesday. Contact me for the latest.
Contact Wes Nugent, Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee Member
When I ran as District 1 Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee member, my intention was clear and straightforward:
I want to continue helping others with my unique knowledge, skills, and abilities, to better my community and country.
Citizen issues and ideas have always fueled my passion to serve our city and community.
If you have issues or ideas for Precinct 16, or that relate to the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee, let me know. We may be able to work on something together in the future.
Comments & Questions
Want more information about Precinct 16 or the Wiles Hill-Highland Park neighborhood? Do you have observations to share or unanswered conundrums?
Events & Activities
Do you need a singer for the National Anthem or lead another patriotic or spiritual piece? Do you need an emcee or topic speaker at an upcoming event?
Issues & Ideas
Are there issues and ideas you’d like to share for bettering the City of Morgantown and Monongalia County? Do you have possible solutions to challenges?
Request for Help
Do you have a political or personal need that I can possibly help lend assistance to resolve?
Wes Nugent, Monongalia County Republican Executive Committeeman for District 1
A lifelong Republican, Wes appreciates the success conservatives see today in West Virginia, and holds that to maintain it, the WVGOP must be willing to want to work and compete in districts like WV House District 81 in the heart of our community.
Get Involved
Precinct 16 is a kind of “final frontier.” By West Virginia standards, we’re an urban precinct. Our citizens, and our issues, reflect more of what we can expect for our state long-term as West Virginia regrows our population base. It’s important for Republicans to want to compete and win in urban areas like Morgantown’s Precinct 16 to continue to remain competitive elsewhere in West Virginia.
Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee meetings are open to all voters officially registered with the Republican party. Meetings are typically held monthly on the second Tuesday of the month.